As moms we endure countless hits and keep finding the strength to move forward……

In May of 2020 in addition to everything else going on in the world, it was Mother’s Day. And on a day that is supposed to be for honor and celebrate, my spirit was weak and my emotional state was at an all time high. From the moment I woke up I was in a mood but could not quite put my finger on which emotion it was. All I knew was on a day where I and trillions of other moms were to be celebrated, I did not feel like celebrating and I needed to create space to address my feelings. I knew that internalizing how I felt this time wouldn’t be good for me or my babies. Thus, after a social media post and overwhelming feedback from other mothers who felt the same, the seed for Moody Mommy was planted. 

Moody Mommy is more than just another mom brand. It is a platform for moms to feel safe and comfortable recognizing the moments when they are moody putting a name on it and not allowing that feeling to make them feel any less capable of being a bomb ass mother! A place where we can have dialogue about all the feelings that consume us on a day-to-day bases; a space to find the root cause of those feelings and be okay with saying, “Today my feelings won!” when applicable. My vision is to continually build a brand that represents me and so many other dope, strong, transparent, resilient, capable, unapologetic, talented mommies like me who also happen to feel moody sometimes!

I will strive to encourage moms to address the way they feel during those low moments and not feel guilty for wanting space. (I mean seriously!? Do our children not see that there is more room on the other side of the couch?) To know it’s okay to give ourselves grace for needing time to sort out our thoughts (A good cry in the shower always works for me). And yeah, looking cute in our apparel is definitely a plus! I pray that every piece of Moody Mommy Merch  purchased is a fly reminder that it’s okay to be a mom that feels moody sometimes. God does not make mistakes! You were meant to be a mother and He has given you everything you need to show up and slay motherhood daily. Even if you have to do it while feel wild shifts of emotion from time to time, remind yourself….

Its Okay To Be A Moody Mommy!